12/17/24 - Deacon Dan Powers (Our Lady of Lourdes parish) discusses the physical and spiritual preparation for his recent pilgrimage walking the Camino in Spain along with spiritual insights gained along the journey.____________________________________________________________________________________________________
11/14/24 - Dr. Ursula and Bill Gent on how to deal with the stress from the recent election_____________________________________________________________________________________________________
10/22/24 - Dr. Rebecca Peck shares her insights and corrects the misinformation surrounding Amendment 4 promotions on TV with host, Bill Gent_____________________________________________________________________________________________________
10/18/24 - Fr. Albert Haase joins Dcn Chris to discuss his book, The Persistent God
09/27/24 - Author, John Louis discusses his book, A 3 Ply Cord: Making & Keeping Covenant Marriage
09/17/24 - Frank Pavone, Ex. Director of Priests for Life joins Bill Gent to discuss implications of Amendment 4 and similar actions taken across the nation to enshrine abortion in various state constitutions_____________________________________________________________________________________________________
08/29/24 - Catholic Charities of Central Florida Ex. Director Gary Tester and Culture of Life Director, Leidy Rivas join Bill Gent to discuss Amendment 4 and why we are called to vote no as well as the work of Catholic Charities in our area._____________________________________________________________________________________________________
08/27/24 - Jason Poblete, president of Global Liberty Alliance joins Bill Gent to discuss the status of political and religious prisoners and the work of his organization.______________________________________________________________________________________________________
08/22/24 - Tom Jordan, president of Our Savior’s St. Vincent de Paul Society shares his work with the poor with host Mike Gisondi._______________________________________________________________________________________________________
08/16/24 - Karina Fabian, author and president of the Catholic Writers Guild joins host, Deacon Chris Meehan
08/06/24 - Play by play announcer, Joseph Quattrocchi joins Mike Gisondi to talk baseball, faith and more.
07/25/24 - Brother Louis Canter, OEF reflects on the Lord's Prayer and the Prayer of St. Francis
07/11/24 - St Paul Outreach missionary, Hannah Cunningham shares her experiences from her trip to Uganda and work at a college in New Jersey
07/09/24 - Catholic sculptor, Tim Schmalz speaks with Mike Gisondi about his art.
06/27/24 - Award winning writer, Karen Whiting shares her recent trip to the Holy Land as a guest of the Israeli Ministry of tourism_______________________________________________________________________________________________________
06/25/24 - Author, Ed Barr talks about his new book, The Gray Apostle - Roman Justice with host, Bill Gent_______________________________________________________________________________________________________
06/20/24 - Mary Jo Anderson discusses current events with Mike Gisondi
05/30/24 - Brother Louis Canter discusses the Spirituality of Saint Francis with host, Mike Gisondi
05/28/24 - Local businessman. Michael Lemongello explains his role as an advisor to the Holy See in their mission to the United Nations.
05/24/24 - Peter Behrens discusses his insights and knowledge about Marian Apparitions of Fatima and Our Lady of Good Success with Bob Groppe
05/23/24 - Tom Corcoran joins Mike Gisondi to discuss Tom's book, Rebuilt Faith
05/14/24 - Bill Gent speaks with Don McGee about the work of Club Esteem which provides tutoring and enrichment for children in under-resourced kids in Melbourne
05/09/24 - Mike Gisondi with Allison Ricciardi on the topic of living your purpose and how a Catholic life coach can help achieve your goals
05/08/24 - Michael Olive speaks with Apolonia Davalos about her career in the film industry, the arts and the joy of living in Christ
05/07/24 - Dr. Mary Soha, Vice Postulator for the canonization of the martyrs of La Florida talks to guest host, Rob Henry about the story of the martyrs of La Florida and her work in advancing the cause of their canonization
04/25/24 - Mike Gisondi with guest Dr. Mark Giszczak of the Augustine Institute on the topic of Suffering.
04/24/24 - Michael Gisondi interview nationally know Catholic Evangelist, Sonja Corbitt
04/23B/24 - Sarah Kaczmarek of the Director of Pastoral Ministry at Encounter School of Ministries speaks with Michael Oliva about the importance of attending Encounter School of Identity scheduled for May 17 & 18 at St. John the Evangelist Church in Viera
04/23A/24 - Cathy Manese explains her role in and reasons behind the Night of Merciful Love events being held at local parishes
04/19/24 - On this episode of the Reader's Nook, Deacon Chris is joined by Fr. Rob Alstyne, to discuss a book he translated on the topic of Obedience
04/17/24 - Bill Gent welcomes president and cofounder of The Global Liberty Alliance, Jason Poblete to discuss his work representing Americans unlawfully detained in other nations.
04/16/24 - Mike Gisondi speaks with Deacon Harold Burke-Stivers about Discernment & Discipleship and his EWTN radio program, "Beacon of Truth".
03/26/24 - B Fr. Joe Shaute joins Bill Gent to conclude their Lenten series with some insights into Holy Week and the Tridium
03/21/24 - Guest Karen Fredette talks to Mike Gisondi about her about as a hermit and contemplative living
03/15/24 - Deacon Chris talks with Fr. Greg Markey about his book: Discovering the Camino De Santiago
03/14/24 - Bob Groppe is joined by author and filmmaker, Robert Orlando to discuss his new book, The Shroud, Face to Face and film of the same name.
03/13/24 Mike Gisondi and Manny Castaneda discuss: How to Get More from Mass
03/05/24 - Bill Gent and Fr. Joe Shaute on Prayer & Fasting.
02/29/24 - Astronaut Nicole Scott shares her experiences with host Mike Gisondi
02/28/24 - Bill welcomes Deacon Lee Levenson, retired airline pilot and newly appointed permanent Deacon at St. John the Evangelist parish in Viera
02/27/24 - Bill Gent and Fr. Joe Shaute on the topic of Prayer in the season of Lent.
02/22/24 - Mike Gisondi is joined by Jim Buck to discuss his involvement with Kairos Prison Ministry.
02/20/24 - Mike Gisondi and Michael Dauphinais, Ph.D. on Thomas Aquinas and the Eucharist
02/15/24 - Fr. Fred Junga C.S.C. joins Mike Gisondi to discuss the growth of the Catholic Faith in Africa
02/14/24 - Bill Gent continues with Romans Chapter 1 with Bob Groppe and Chuck Lauer
02/13/24 - Fr. Joe Shaute joins Bill Gent for first in a series on Lent 2024
02/08/24 - Guest, Barbara Heil shares how a Pentecostal Minister became a Catholic lay evangelist.
02/06/24 - Bill Gent considers the Relevance of Romans Chapter 1 with Bob Groppe and Chuck Lauer
02/01/24 - Fr John Britto, pastor of St. John the Evangelist, Viera joins host Bill Gent.
01/26/24 - Deacon Chris Meehan is joined by Dr. Liz White, Au.D. to discuss her involvement in Catholic education and the topic of hearing loss
01/25/24 - Catholic Counselor, Allison Ricciardi joins Mike Gisondi to discuss Male & Female...Catholic Style
01/23/24 Bill Gent with Fr. Joe Shoute from St. Mary's in Rockledge
01/19/24 Deacon Chris Meehan speaks with Joel Stepanek of Life Teen Int'l about his book: Beginning Well
01/17/24 Matthew Sanders joins host, Mike Gisondi about his work with the Vatican and Artificial Intelligence
01/11/24 - Mike Gisondi welcomes Jim Cavnar Co-Founder and CEO of Cross-Catholic Outreach
01/10/24- Distinguished Catholic Theologian, George Weigel talks to Mike Gisondi about the Papacy of John Paul II