WDMC thanks listeners for submitting their personal testimonies.
When you submit your testimony, you may select to remain anonymous or you may indicate that your name can be displayed. WDMC has selected testimonies to share with the listening audience. You may submit your testimony by email to [email protected].
Anonymous (January 2020)
I am happy I won one of the radiothon incentives: the statue of Our Lady of Good Remedy. I grew up in Puerto Rico, by the church called "Santisima Trinidad", extremely proud of being part of that Trinitarian community. The order was founded by St John of Matha and they venerate the Virgin Mary under this advocation (he bestowed on her this title). Receiving this statue was like coming home, it reminded me of my devotions from youth and since this has been one of the hardest years of my life, having her here increased my faith and the hope that everything will be all right. Thank you very much for this wonderful gift.
Cheri (December 2014)
I have been a Protestant Christian all of my life, never even thinking about the Catholic Church. However, a few years ago for a variety of reasons, I needed to find a church home. Driving around the city I wondered why we have so many denominations and churches and which one had the correct doctrines. For a few years I had seen bumper stickers on cars around town for Catholic Radio 920 AM. Because of the bumper stickers, it occurred to me to learn about Catholicism; not only what Protestants said about it, but what it had to say about itself. So, on my way home from work, I started listening. The program that was on was Catholic Answers. Little by little, areas that I thought were problematic were explained. I started listening to the station whenever I had a free moment. This led to more research online and in books. Finally, I visited a local church and announced to the priest that I wanted to become Catholic. He welcomed me warmly and, after the appropriate process, I came into full communion with the Catholic Church this year. I probably would not be Catholic today if it were not for Divine Mercy Radio and the faithful listeners who placed bumper stickers on their cars. I’m living proof that WDMC bumper stickers work. So thanks to all the faithful listeners who help make all this possible.
Renden & Anita
Dearest Rev. Fr. Emmanuel First of all, Congratulations!! on the airing the 50th episode of the Mystery of the Church on Divine Mercy Radio. I have begun listening and will eventually catch up on all the episodes. The content and delivery of the podcasts has been very uplifting. I thank God for giving you the grace and strength to do your work diligently and with zeal. We pray for your ministry. I must confess that even though I am far behind on listening to these podcasts along with Anita and the kids we are becoming greater fans of you every passing day because of the sharing of the WORD OF GOD. We continue to give Glory to God because of what HIS WORD does for us and for servants of the WORD like you. Hallelujah! Many Blessing of our Lord Jesus Christ provide for all your spiritual and material needs.
Cathy Manese
One of the strongest arguments for catholic radio and EWTN, is that many of the hosts and programs come from former protestant pastors, who, upon learning about the truth of history, realized that the Catholic Faith and the mass is the closest teachings of Christ, the apostles, and the first hundred years of the church. God Bless you for your proclamation of truth.
In 1993, our Pastor in NY told all the parishioners to thank their cable company for carrying EWTN. After mass. he personally explained to me what EWTN was, who started it and that it was all over the world. He then encouraged me to watch Mother Angelica. Her programs have changed my life. I am no longer fearful defending my faith because the Bible teachings and the rich deposit of our Catholic faith are presented 24/7 not only on TV but on Catholic radio-
Rachel and Dan
Thank you so much for the wonderful programming job you are doing. As Mother Angelica says, “We’ll try to keep you between our electric and water bill. All God’s blessings on your continued great job.
Joe, Melbourne
I went to hear Teresa Tomeo on 7/23/09. She’s great!
Will read her books. I try to listen every 9 AM—We all share the same frustrations re: LIFE; Praise God, I know that I am not alone.
Theresa, Palm Bay
God bless all you do for love of Him and His people.
Margaret Stall, Melbourne, FL
Enclosed is my check for $100. towards my pledge of $400. for the year. Thank you for your wonderful ministry!
Dolores, Palm Bay
Thank you so much for bringing Catholic radio to our area. It has been such a grace and a blessing. I especially appreciate the orthodoxy. You are right to accentuate the pro-
Rosemary, Vero Beach
No need to send envelops, etc. I’m happy to do my small part. Love the station. Thank you and your staff for all that you do. Join in Our Blessed Mother’s army in May—Pray! Pray! Pray! For the unborn, end of abortion; for this Nation; for all family life and salvation. God bless.
Geraldine and Thomas, Melbourne
Enclosed is a check to help keep Divine Mercy Radio alive. It is a wonderful station and an important time in my day.
Eleanor, Melbourne
We enjoy WDMC(920) so much and pray for your continued success. God bless!
Rachel, Viera
Dear Catholic Radio: Keep up the good work. I enjoy your programming so much.
Janet, Merritt Island…..God bless all you do!
Del, Rockledge
I have been blessed in many ways with WDMC radio! I exhibit my 920 bumper sticker, I’ve told a number of people about it and I listen every day! I like the new series “Reasons for our Hope.” I listen to Mass daily and various programs throughout the day. So many interesting programs—“MOTHER” is wonderful,” I could go on and on. I like the woman from Rome and I like the information about the local and national events and am currently. I have heard it in my car as far as Vero and Kissimmee. LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT!
Gail, Palm Bay
May God Bless you as you continue to keep our faith alive in this world today.
I fulfilled my pledge but like to send extra at times I can. God bless.
Lucille, Indian Harbor Beach
Enjoyed the program and Teresa. Good Luck!
Josephine,Vero Beach
Thank God my mother didn’t abort me!
Elizabeth, Malabar
Thank you and God continue to bless you and your work for the Church of getting the message of the Lord Jesus out to so many. In Jesus and Mary.
Kathleen, Cape Canaveral
Thank you for everything you do. I absolutely love your station and this has become the only station I listen to.
Alicia, Vero Beach
Enclosed is a donation for 920 AM. We thoroughly enjoy your station and all the programs you offer. We are constantly learning more about the Catholic faith. Thank you for your ministry.